Here is an important reminder: Jesus loves this church – collectively and individually – more than anyone else. Would our response always be to love Him more than anything else.
Here is an important reminder: Jesus loves this church – collectively and individually – more than anyone else. Would our response always be to love Him more than anything else.
Act against the sin we see in the world or “just preach the gospel?” The two go together. They must go together.
Sure, it may not be my knee or your knee, but we can no longer allow ourselves to believe that that is enough.
Being people of grace demands being people who are discerning about when and where we plant our flags.
Let me offer some helpful thoughts to the extroverts among us.
You do not have to have social distancing all figured out on day one. We did not even know the word until a few weeks ago.
Whatever your greatest fear is, stop giving it the entire room.
The most common question I get asked about my job as a pastor: What goes into getting a sermon ready?
Recently, I have been working to update my understanding of courage.
I cannot count the number of times I have spoken something and then wished that real life had an edit button.
What is the one thing you are trying to do or accomplish with your limited time on this earth?
Pride makes it hard to see clearly. Impossible, actually.
An earthquake, an airplane, and an unforgettable trip home thanks to an unprecedented superstar.
I was there on Sunday afternoon when the Chiefs clinched their spot in the Super Bowl, then my friend took me to church on the way out of the stadium.
We often live as if God is up in heaven, looking down on us, playing some kind of cosmic, morality-based game of, “Gotcha!”
When you can take being sick no longer, you go to the one who can make you better.
In the gospel, there is an inexhaustible fountain of mercy and grace for all of our worst fears.
I will jump straight to the point. You need a mentor.
You may not be able to change the world, but you might be able to change the world of one person. And that matters.
Sometimes I feel a little like Jonah, honestly. There I was running away. God did not put me into a fish. He sat me down at lunch with Fred.